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The Ultimate Guide to Surgical Scheduling Software

In this guide, ASC and practice leaders will discover when using surgical scheduling software makes the most sense, key features to look for, and tips for ensuring the best ROI. Read the guide below or enter your email to download your copy to take on the go.

Table of Contents

Two nurses looking at information on a tablet

Chapter 1. Introduction

Female nurse in an office typing on a keyboard

Chapter 2. Transitioning Away from Paper-Based Surgical Scheduling Processes

Many leaders at ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and surgical practices are recognizing that the status quo of managing surgical schedules is no longer enough. Some of it is a volume issue. Outpatient surgery in the U.S. is projected to grow to 144 million cases (or $1 trillion of the market) over the next year. At the same time, the landscape is increasingly challenging. Declining reimbursement, staffing shortages, and administrative bureaucracy continues to add stress around the delivery of this care.

Given this difficult environment, many healthcare providers are recognizing the need for greater efficiency, productivity, and less friction in day-to-day processes. By abandoning old static EMR intake forms or a hybrid approach with paper-based posting sheets processes, practices can break down information silos and, as a result, increase patient flow and reduce demands on staff time.

The need for automation is a rather nuanced challenge. Understanding root causes can help organizational leadership better understand what to look for when considering the best choice for their needs.

Surgery Scheduling: Top Reasons Why Paper-Based Forms Do Not Work

Surgical schedule pain points at many organizations are founded in the nuts and bolts of scheduling—forms, processes, and communication channels. Below are some traditional trouble spots for practices and ways automation can present opportunity for improvement.

Too Much Depends on One Person

Too Much Depends on One Person

A frequent problem in many surgical scheduling processes is that too much management depends on the knowledge of one role: an over-extended scheduler. Traditionally, schedulers have served as the primary source for managing information flow to almost every stakeholder in the operating room (OR) and are expected to know what happens when, where, and with whom. The way this information is managed also presents challenge. Many schedulers keep key details in their working memory: which rooms have which equipment, how the site procedures are grouped in which OR, and so forth. Such a system naturally results in unnecessary levels of worker stress, errors, and inefficiencies.

With AI-powered software, transparency and information sharing for better decision-making is enhanced. Electronic forms and real-time, shared communication processes demystify the highly specific knowledge schedulers possess, which means the scheduler’s physical presence is not always required to provide clarity.

Missed Communication

Missed Communication

Another area that traditionally presents challenge is how information is stored at time of surgery. All too often, a physical wall magnet or electronic board is the source of truth for the scheduling of multiple ORs. When data lives in one physical place like this, changes are only seen there, or, worse, not at all.

Implementing a shared, real-time surgery scheduling software interface has a unifying effect on the entire OR team. A web-based program enables real-time communication wherever needed. Automations can be set up to email or text relevant stakeholders with assignment changes. In addition, software that works not just on the day of surgery, but in advance, can help ensure block time is optimized. The right technology will even make recommendations to improve scheduling efficiency.

Physician Stress and Paperwork Fatigue

Physician Stress and Paperwork Fatigue

Physician time also isn’t optimized with traditional systems. Physicians spend an average of 15.6 hours per week on paperwork and administration—time that could otherwise be spent on focusing on the business and patient care. According to OR Manager, a common source of frustration with traditional scheduling processes is that actual procedure description used by the surgeon may not be accurately reflected by the surgery facility descriptors. Also, the scheduling codes may not accurately reflect the case being performed. Inaccuracies such as these are often resolved only when surgeons have access and visibility into the process and can add to physician stress leading up to the surgery.

Electronic forms can capture the diversity of cases and needs of each surgeon much sooner. A point-of-care scheduling tool allows real-time notes to be added and shared with others to accommodate changes. As a result, the surgeon can share vital information and preferences with PACU [post anesthesia care unit] staff, nurses, equipment vendors, and schedulers at the outset of scheduling.

Third-Party Confusion

Third-Party Confusion

Coordination of communication is important with third parties as well, as it can affect things such as whether the right equipment is ready and if insurance clearance is complete. With scheduling software, the procedures used to communicate with third parties—such as insurance companies, referring physicians’ offices, and equipment vendors—can be automated and streamlined.

Patients Can Be Unpredictable and Hard to Reach

Patients Can Be Unpredictable and Hard to Reach

Although patients are sometimes the “wildcard” in the scheduling process, evidence shows that no-shows and delays can be improved dramatically with better patient communications up-front.

According to an article in Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, endoscopy no-shows can range from 12% to 24%. The author states “Forgetting about the appointment, patient scheduling conflicts and miscommunication were found to be the most common causes of patient no-shows in various healthcare settings.” The same study cited previous research in which no-shows were reduced from 20% to around 7% simply by using pre-scheduled telephone reminders.

Surgery scheduling software automates patient messaging through email, text, or phone, depending on the patient’s preferences. Receiving read receipts will give staff insights into the patient’s level of engagement. Technologies also are changing to make these communications more personalized not only around type of procedure but physician preference and individual patient risk factors, further enhancing importance in pre-surgery education and engagement.

5 Signs Your Document Management Approach for Surgery Scheduling Is Causing Revenue Loss

One of the biggest indicators that status quo needs to change is the financial impact of paper-based systems. Almost every inefficiency in scheduling shares the same root cause: poor document management. Ways to tell when it’s time to automate include:
You’re Constantly Chasing Paperwork

1. You’re Constantly Chasing Paperwork 

Lost or misplaced consent forms alone cost hospitals, on average, $580,000 per year, according to research from Johns Hopkins. In an astonishing 66% of surgeries, patient consents are missing, resulting in delays to 10% of all surgical procedures. Furthermore, information gaps can be a legal hazard. Cynthia D. Grimes, JD, senior counsel with San Antonio’s Clark Hill law firm, claims consent issues arise in half of all medical malpractice claims.

You’re Overwhelmed With Administrative Tasks

2. You’re Overwhelmed With Administrative Tasks 

According to Medscape, 84% of physicians spend between just 9 and 24 minutes with individual patients. And with more manual paperwork comes a greater the potential for inaccuracies. Handwritten paper-based forms have been shown to have error rates of up to 50%. Being able to share a unified, automated view of pending, scheduled, completed, held, and canceled surgical cases facilitates collaboration and minimizes the need for rework.

Your Block Time is Overbooked and/or Underutilized

3. Your Block Time is Overbooked and/or Underutilized

If the ASC or practice can’t fill the block with cases, its OR use will lose money at a rate of, on average, $62 a minute. This is an area where surgery scheduling software can really help schedulers—and physicians—closely monitor how block time is used. By supplying extensive data on block time use and trends, scheduling software can identify bottlenecks, correct inefficiencies, and optimize OR use over time. An intelligent operating room allocation tool can integrate institutional, surgeon, patient, and case-specific scheduling requirements to make optimal case scheduling sequences easier and even make recommendations that can drive more surgical volume.

Surgery Delays and No-Shows are Commonplace

4. Surgery Delays and No-Shows are Commonplace

Using surgery reminders and other automated notifications and prompts to improve communications with patients can reduce the likelihood of no-shows and cancellations due to missing or incomplete paperwork. A study in the Journal for Healthcare Quality shows that replacing static EMR intake forms or a hybrid approach with paper-based posting sheets with an electronic system reduced scheduling errors to just 0.5%, and post-op no-shows from 8% to 1%.

You’re Receiving Negative Patient Feedback

5. You’re Receiving Negative Patient Feedback

Poor document management often leads to patients who are dissatisfied, confused about their appointments, unclear about readiness steps, and/or unsure whether insurance communications are aligned. Positive patient feedback is critical, especially when negative reviews can significantly impact a provider’s public image and possibly ratings-based standing in networks. Here, too, employing technology can be useful. A recent study in Telemedicine and e-Health found that communication and convenience were key satisfaction metrics for patients in both remote and in-person settings. Surgery scheduling software can make it easier for patients to disseminate their medical history, preferred surgery dates, or primary physician contact information across the care team to reduce the amount of repetitive data entry required of patients.

Male doctor using a computer

Chapter 3. Surgical Scheduling Software’s Role in Better Managing Risks

In ASCs and surgical practices, staying on top of information management is a constant exercise in multitasking. Given the many pieces and high stakes involved in day-to-day operations, it’s crucial to avoid errors. Effective risk management requires care teams to have a clear idea of where those risks lie. In many instances, removal of manual processes and automation of workflows can create safer more productive processes.

Surgery Scheduling: Managing Risk in a High Stakes Game

When it comes to surgical scheduling, one small detail falling through the cracks creates a domino effect that negatively impacts all aspects of the organization. What’s more, surgical schedules rarely go as planned. Emergency cases happen, and surgeons don’t always know in advance what procedures will be required.  

Let’s look at why managing OR and ASC schedules is challenging and what care providers can do to reduce likelihood for unplanned cancellations and delays and best prepare for the unexpected. 

Block Scheduling Predictability

Block Scheduling Predictability

Schedule variability makes managing block time and coordinating ever-changing details difficult. Schedulers must factor each surgeon’s pace for different procedures, while simultaneously responding to add-on cases and non-elective surgeries. Surgery scheduling software can address these challenges by allowing physicians to fill gaps in block scheduling and release block time they can’t use. The system updates in real time so schedulers can accommodate add-on cases and increase the number of procedures an OR can handle each day. Surgery scheduling software can also track OR activities and analyze data to provide insights into each surgeon’s utilization rate.
Case-Mix Variability

Case-Mix Variability

Given the inherent variability of case mixes, it is difficult to predict how much time surgeons need for each step in a procedure. Budgeting too much time will lead to under-utilization, but blocking too little time can cause back-ups in the OR schedule. Surgery scheduling software minimizes that uncertainty by analyzing case-specific risk factors. For example, it can identify patients who would benefit from specialist pre-operative clearance before the day of the surgery, as well as cases more prone to complications that will require extra time.
Procedure Types and Physician Preferences

Procedure Types and Physician Preferences

Relying too heavily on individual schedulers’ knowledge of surgeon preferences—for example, specific supplies or equipment—can create bottlenecks in the scheduling process. Furthermore, errors in meeting physicians’ requests often lead to delays, and even cancellations, that add to the OR’s operating costs. Surgery scheduling software with a HIPAA-compliant intelligent repository learns each surgeon’s case preferences. The care team can easily communicate and retrieve information to ensure that every procedure can start with the supply and equipment preferred by each physician.
Last-Minute Schedule Changes

Last-Minute Schedule Changes

Last-minutes changes in OR schedules are unavoidable, but their impact is always significant, especially when real-time communication with all stakeholders isn’t automatic. Surgery scheduling software with an integrated dashboard and intelligent OR allocation tool gives schedulers the ability to respond to changes quickly. Automated notifications update the right people about changes to coordinate all the parties involved in each surgery. to add-on cases and non-elective surgeries.

When assessing surgical scheduling processes, leadership will quickly realize that some areas present compliance and safety risks far more than others. Below are the three most common areas of vulnerability.

The Risk of Failing to Comply with HIPAA Regulations

The 1996 Health Insurance Policy and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects patients’ medical records and personal health information (PHI). All HIPAA-covered organizations have a duty to collect and store that information safely—a challenge for any healthcare organization. But when schedulers are working with a paper-based system, it’s even more daunting.

Despite the widespread adoption of electronic medical records (EMR), much of the surgery scheduling process still takes place with paper and pencil outside the EMR. Everything must be captured, recorded, and disseminated accurately, and all the required surgical support—admission documents and anesthesia plans, clearance instructions, and preoperative orders—must be secured for the required period and then properly disposed of.

To be compliant with HIPAA, healthcare providers must do more than just avoid data breaches. Providers can be penalized and fined $100 to $50,000 per violation for not having the required technical, physical, and administrative safeguards in place.

A HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based repository can provide a centralized location for essential forms, including pre-authorizations, doctor preference cards (DPCs), and patient surgical assessment forms. Systems with these capabilities allow surgeons and schedulers to access data from anywhere securely.

Risks Caused by Errors in Surgery Documentation

Surgical teams communicate as many as 150 data points for one surgery. They also coordinate information from multiple stakeholders, track potential conflicts, and identify and reserve equipment—all on schedule. When paper-based systems depend on hard-to-decipher hand-written notes to capture patient details, clinicians leave themselves open to inefficiency, errors, and non-compliance.

Even with email or tasked-based systems, considerable manual transcription is required, with the potential for missing or incorrect data. Not only does poor data handling hamper efficiency and therefore profitability, but it also makes the organization vulnerable to litigation.

Advanced surgery scheduling software that automates notifications, documents patient records, and eliminates legibility issues can alleviate the risk of costly errors.

Risks Caused by Overreliance on Surgery Schedulers

When scheduling information is siloed in paper posting forms, schedulers cannot collaborate or share their work. Not having the right information at the right time can lead to unnecessary delays, cancellations, or inaccuracies. Furthermore, updating records or processes quickly becomes a time-consuming endeavor to make sure everyone is up to speed.

With paper-based systems, schedulers spend about an hour to schedule just one surgery—and last-minute changes can derail the entire schedule. At some level, paper-based systems can even hurt the overall business by hampering information exchange with other locations or surgeons.

Digital tools allow the surgical team to seamlessly collaborate on a case schedule even when the scheduler is absent or offsite. An integrated dashboard that tracks pending, scheduled, completed, held, and canceled surgical cases with their supporting information in one central and accessible location improves workflows across the board, preserves business continuity, and lessens opportunities for error in absence of the scheduler.

Male nurse using a tablet

Chapter 4. Surgical Schedule Software Enablement of Operating Room Efficiency

Recognizing the need to move away from manual and paper-based systems is one thing, but implementing changes needed for improvement is another. As practice leaders examine automation options, key is recognizing where surgery scheduling efforts currently are in greatest need of attention, identifying system options and revaluating processes.

Reasons Surgeries Get Canceled

Although it is unavoidable that surgeries will periodically have to be canceled, most cancellations are avoidable. Understanding how and why cancellations happen is key to avoiding them when possible.

Scheduling Errors

Scheduling Errors

If an ASC or hospital relies on manual data entry, transcription of incoming fax, or handwritten notes for scheduling, then some errors are inevitable. Inaccuracies in surgery timing, procedure codes or equipment preferences/conflicts are bound to occur. Access to clear and up-to-date accurate information is vital, so that surgeons, schedulers, and coordinators can review surgery schedules in advance, confirm what supplies are needed and identify any potential conflicts beforehand. Mechanisms and information must be available to easily backfill slots when last-minute cancellations occur.
Poor Pre-Op Preparation

Poor Pre-Op Preparation

A study of more than 15,000 delayed cases found that the two top reasons for case delays were:
  1. the OR not being ready for patients and
  2. missing or incomplete documentation
Missing or incomplete chart documents or nursing preoperative assessments can result in patients who are not adequately prepared for surgery. When physician preference cards are inaccurate or out-of-date, surgery times may be lengthened because the necessary equipment and tools might be missing or not sterile for the procedure. With intelligent doctor preference card management, practice leaders can make sure the right supplies, instruments, equipment, and medications are ready for each procedure. Enabling vendors to leave notes on the cards also can improve accuracy.
Poor Document Management

Poor Document Management

Missing signed consent forms, incomplete paperwork, and data discrepancies are also causes of delays and cancellations. This risk is heightened in ORs that rely on paper-based or handwritten systems. Using intelligent surgical scheduling software makes sure that all the necessary forms and documents are present, correct, and accessible can minimize the likelihood of error.
Patient-Side Issues

Patient-Side Issues

An essential step for avoiding cancellations is to ensure that patients are fully informed and prepared for surgery. If patients or their families are unsure about the procedure or perhaps have not followed the preoperative instructions correctly, it can cause delays or even cancellation. AI-enabled automated notifications can deliver patients with essential information specific to their case without taxing overstretched staff. By providing patients with case-specific, surgeon-specific education, the care team can best ensure patient compliance with any pre-surgical preparations needed.

Clarify What Is Meant by “Surgery Start Time”

It might seem obvious, but make sure that everyone knows what is meant by “start time.” As part of that discussion, point out the importance of starting on time from a cost and efficiency perspective, in a positive way. Many practices hold weekly team meetings, or daily huddles, as a way of keeping on top of scheduling. Documenting and communicating issues via the surgery scheduling platform also helps the team problem-solve and preempt potential problems to keep the schedule flowing.

Illustration of a doctor using a laptop with a clock and calendar in the background

Analyze and Use Block Time Effectively

As discussed earlier, block scheduling helps surgeons make the most of surgery time when it is used effectively. Schedulers can use surgery scheduling software to make sure all stakeholders are prepared for the start time. Look for software that can facilitate efficient block scheduling and pooling, recognize block time at high risk of going under-utilized, and proactively flag cases that could fill in the unclaimed time.
Illustration of a doctor standing in front of an over-sized calendar

Improve Time Management

Time management is critical to ensuring on-time starts. Electronic calendars provide clinical and administrative staff access to up-to-date schedules, and automatically notify all parties of updates or changes in real time. An e-calendar can also give surgeons the option to share blocks.
Doctor standing in front of an over-sized clock
Group of doctors and nurses looking at information on a laptop

Chapter 5. Optimizing Tight Staff Resources With Surgical Scheduling Software

Part of practice efficiency is ensuring staff time is used most effectively. Recognizing ways to reimagine the scheduler role can often lead to significant productivity improvements and improved employee satisfaction.

To understand role dynamics, it’s useful to examine typical responsibilities and knowledge base.

Surgery Scheduler Communication Responsibilities

Surgery schedulers are at the foundation of a well-run surgical practice. Schedulers communicate with surgical facility staff, office staff, supply chain managers, surgeons, physician extenders, anesthesiologists and administration. They are expected to deliver and obtain accurate information, set expectations, and remain calm amid changes.

Surgeon Schedules

Surgeon Schedules. The first communication hurdle is working the surgery into the surgeon’s schedule. Based on their insight and available resources, the scheduler must maximize the surgeon’s limited OR time and optimize case sequences. Access to historical scheduling data may help them.

Managing resources to maximize a surgeon’s throughput can be a daunting challenge. Otherwise-competent schedulers may be overwhelmed by the chaos of manual or paper processes often involved in coordination of the many associated parties. Understanding the impact of each surgeon’s requirements on total surgery time ultimately requires countless phone calls to double check information and communicate changes.

Today’s software solutions are better than ever because they offer a real time interface that can wrangle all the paper processes and information conveyed by email, text, phone, or fax.

Patient interactions

Patient interactions. The second communication challenge that faces schedulers has to do with patients. Consider the routine points of contact with the patient as described by Washington Orthopedic, an ASC.

  1. A referring physician or patient makes an appointment with the ASC.
  2. If surgery is the best treatment option, they are directed to a scheduler.
  3. Another scheduler contacts the patient’s insurance company and reviews this information with the patient.
  4. A scheduler will start the authorization process.
  5. A scheduler will contact the patient to review their medical history and confirm their place in the schedule.
  6. Patient will undergo preoperative teaching, either in person or on the phone.
  7. A scheduler contacts the patient the business day prior to notifying them of what time to arrive at the ASC.

Despite this patient interaction, schedulers still deal with no-shows, surgery time overruns, and miscommunications. What makes a scheduler unique is that they maintain composure and awareness when the schedule begins to derail. Software can help them deliver their time and energy to where it matters most.

Surgery Scheduler Communication Responsibilities

Block scheduling became popular because it offers surgeons a predictable schedule and autonomy in managing their caseload. Administrators of surgical facilities, on the other hand, push their OR to optimize utilization rates. When rates are pushed too high, there is no flexibility for cases that have unforeseen complications. But when rates are left too low, some surgeons who are performing higher may have to backlog patients, while other blocks of time are unused.

Thus, schedulers must understand that certain cases and specialties have longer surgery times and greater variability and unpredictability in requirements. This insider knowledge is critical. Equally important, schedulers must learn the personal preferences of each surgeon, such as sequencing, equipment, and preferred staffing, that affect the variability in the case sequence.

Surgery schedulers are an irreplaceable talent for an OR, as their ability to communicate accurately and apply knowledge under pressure takes years of experience. Eliminating manual processes is the best way to let them work more happily and more effectively. Their finite energy can be applied to growing the practice rather than just fighting against the tide of inefficiency.

Doctor and patient in a bright offIce talking

Chapter 6. Impact on Patients From the Right Automated Approach

To this point there has been some mention of the importance of patient readiness. The following dives into these dynamics with more detail and explores key aspects of communications to keep in mind.

Smart, Multimedia Templates

Patients are often overwhelmed with packets of generic instructions they receive in the clinic. But with AI (Artificial Intelligence) software, a surgeon’s office can make use of pre-formatted material and then, using rule-based workflows, automatically deliver relevant educational components in the combination needed for the individual patient, including the use of personal YouTube videos.

Illustration of a doctor and patient on a tele-health video call

Patient-Centered Communication Timing

The best communications are those that occur exactly when needed. Through scheduling software programs, patients are added to a communication pathway as soon as a scheduler registers them for surgery. Predictive text cues will then push reminders, encouragement, and more to patients on a timetable personalized to their surgery, rather than a generic schedule.

Illustration of a person using a computer with a calendar in the background

Multiple Modalities for Communication 

A modern surgical coordination system will enable outreach in many different formats, such as phone, voicemail, text, and email concurrently to ensure messages get disseminated. Today, given the prevalence of robocalls, many patients ignore phone calls from unrecognized numbers. Using a consistent phone number and clearly disclosing the origin of the number reduces the chances phone calls or texts will go ignored. For certain patients that are not comfortable with exchanging text messages or emails, voicemail reminders can be critical.

Illustration of a laptop and smart phone with a messaging app opne.

Engagement Tracking to Identify At-Risk Patients

Also important is having a gauge for the effectiveness of communication. AI scheduling systems can inform users of which emails have been opened and clicked. If a patient hasn’t engaged with some or all the communications, then the surgeon’s staff knows they should prioritize reaching out to the patient.

Illustration of a magnifying glass and patient records

Instant Chat with Sharing Capabilities

In addition, use of an AI-enabled chatbot makes it easy for patients to get fast answers to frequent questions, such as confirming surgery time and location or what to bring when preparing for an inpatient stay. After surgery, patients can send photos of their wounds to their care team, fill out pain, scales and submit data, such as use of pain medication, for healthcare professionals’ evaluation.

Illustration of a doctor standing next to an over-sized smart phone with a messaging app open
Male doctor using a computer in an office

Chapter 7. Must-Knows for Purchasing Surgical Scheduling Software

With so many surgery scheduling software options to choose from, knowing what will best meet an organization’s needs can be challenging. When leadership examines technologies, emphasis should be placed on effectiveness at meeting key needs, ROI (return on investment), and particular strengths and weaknesses among software competitors.

Cost Considerations of Surgery Schedule Software: Purchasing Dos and Don’ts

A variety of factors should play into the decision to automate surgery scheduling. ROI will depend on costs as well as a mix of hard and soft benefits. Certainly, the buyer will incur the expense of the platform. And there will be calculations around staff time savings and potential increases in patient throughput.

But to truly maximize return, administrators at surgical practices and ambulatory surgery centers should consider differences among competitors and pursue an approach that factors in the following “dos and don’ts.”

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DON’T underestimate the risks of fines and reputational damage due to HIPAA exposure.

A common tipping point for knowing when a software purchase must happen immediately is examining how the team is currently handing its scheduling information. Many surgical practices track portions of the scheduling process with tools like Google calendars, which are not HIPAA compliant. This leaves the organization open to fines and reputational damage from data exposure. The right HIPAA-compliant scheduling software will protect patient information and communications throughout the delivery of care.

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DO seek business analytics.

Better understanding where surgical volumes are gaining and losing money is vital to growing the business and supporting profitability. Although managing the scheduling process is core to any software purchase, undervaluing the importance of gaining insights from data can be a critical mistake.

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DON’T choose options that require the user to limit access to the system to save money.

For the organization to realize the full benefits of transparent communication, each member of the scheduling, equipment preparation, and surgical teams must be able to view progress as well as the sources of delay. This is the most effective way to save time that otherwise gets lost to duplicative, inaccurate, or poorly timed communications. Individual licenses also can become expensive and difficult to track over time. (Some software vendors have been known to charge not only to onboard new license users, but also to deactivate existing ones!)

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DO examine impacts on staff time associated with patient communication options.

Keep in mind that communication capabilities vary. Automated emails and texts are important. But just as powerful are software capabilities that can communicate preparation and after-care instructions not only by procedure but also customized by patient need and physician preference.

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DON’T give short shrift to the ease of workflow.

At first glance, workflow optimization may not seem like the most important capability. But surgery scheduling software that employs machine learning and AI can make processes more efficient and easier to execute over time.

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DO ask about “extras.”

Costs of surgery schedule software can vary wildly, especially when users may be charged for capabilities such as form customizations or integrating insurance or demographic information or offered confusing discounts associated with terms that are challenging to maintain. When comparing pricing packages, be sure to calculate the complete cost that will be incurred with day-to-day use of the platform.

Doctor showing a patient information on a tablet


Ensuring efficient surgery scheduling is vital to managing quality and cost of care. The right surgery scheduling software can empower care teams to better serve patients, mitigate key areas of risk and improve practice profitability.

CaseCTRL is a comprehensive, integrated software solution that helps practices and ASCs manage surgery scheduling more effectively. Using AI-empowered tools such as CaseCTRL’s Case Builder, Intelligent Repository, Surgical Calendar, and Risk Analyzer with automatic notifications, care teams can improve the accuracy and efficiency of their processes. Discover the CaseCTRL difference and request a demo today.